How To Authorized Sales Force
- To begin with, create an account with salesforce CRM -
Click on this link:__https://developer\.salesforce\.com/signup __
With your paid version of Salesforce account, login with your existing email id
- You need to authorized Salesforce account first on Clodura platform,
- Integrate salesforce CRM to
- Login to Clodura.AI suite
- Go to Setting-> CRM Integration
- Authorized to sales force (Click on Authorize button)
- Now Map your contacts and company fields .
- Click on mapping , you can see the mapping pop over
__Map your company field __
Map your contact fields
- Company Field Mapping and Contact Field Mapping section opens up
- Company Name, Name and Email are mandatory fields (Note: No two fields should be same)
- Click on Save
- Now enable your sales force account(Click on radio button to make it enable)
- To add the selected contacts/companies in your CRM database, below are the steps:
- Select the companies/contacts
- Click on __Add to CRM __button
- Now, You can see the owner list
- select owner and click on ok button
- Finally, you can see all your Companies & Contacts in your Sales force account